Russian Festival Matryoshka 2010

Russian Festival Matryoshka 2010 Credits

The following is the credits list for Russian Festival Matryoshka 2010.


Executive Producer:Leon Mitsner
Producer and Director:Leon Mitsner
Festival Script:Leon Mitsner
Festival Director:Yuli Mitsner
Hosts:Julia Gorban, Niki Yampolsky, Leon Mitsner and Yuli Mitsner
Miss Matryoshka Director:Anna Mitsner
Choreographer:Anna Mitsner
Modelling:Anna Mitsner
Swimwear for Miss Matryoshka:Fragola Swimwear
Flowers and Flower Design: Flower Paradise
Balloon Decoration:
Sound Producer:Arcady Tulchinski
Author & Composer of songs “Matryoshka in Toronto “, “Do Svidania, “Matryoshka”, “Krasavitsa”:Boris Kotlyar
Video Production Supervisor:Yuli Mitsner
Video Production Operators:Frank Gajdemski, Leon Kasminski and Boris Groisman
Video Screen:Mike Brisbin (MVI MultiVision Inc.)
Video Screen Content Production:Yuli Mitsner
Video Screen Switcher Operators:Alex Casamassima, Johnathan Ball and Vanessa Cataldo
Photographers:Vladimir Kevorkov and Khristyna Kevorkova
Web Project Manager:Yuli Mitsner
Logos:Anna Korneva

General Sponsor:

Rutherford Private School & Daycare.


Dr. Viktoria Klitovchenko (City Dental), Lufthansa, Baltika, Furnishings2Day, Wellington Jewellers, North York Medical, Fragola Swimwear (, Flower Paradise,, Judy’s Lingerie Boutique, Telehop, Tais Davis.

Media Sponsors:

Russian Canadian Info, Gazeta Plus, Radio Plus, Russian InfoPages, Canadian Courier, Russian Carousel, HTB Canada, Ethnic Channels Group, NexTV,, Beseda, Reporter-Komsomolskaya Pravda, Russian Waves, Russian Proud Canadian, Samovar, Radio Meest.


Matryoshka LTD., MBCS, Furnishings2Day, Rutherford Private School & Daycare , Wellington Jewellers, Dr. Viktoria Klitovchenko (City Dental), Fragola Swimwear (, Fashion Designer Bruno Ierullo, North York Medical, Baltika, HTB Canada,, Judy’s Lingerie Boutique, Elvira Berchadskaia, Shoestop, New Market Press, Niki Yampolsky, Passage Restaurant.


Rutherford Private School & Daycare, Elvira Berchadskaia, New Market Press, Passage Restaurant.

Special Thanks to Park Canada's Wonderland:

Our deepest thanks go out to the whole staff of Canada's Wonderland for all your amazing work. We look forward to working with you for many years to come!

Festival created by Leon Mitsner.

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